Friday, November 23, 2012

A Grace-Filled Thanksgiving

Fresh air in the morning. "Tall Grandma." Playing in the afternoon. A fairly low maintenance meal. Paper plates and paper tablecloth (yes, I sure did!). Cranberry sauce from a can (the big boy's choice). Orange cranberry sauce. Easy-peasy turkey. Favorite stuffing. Delectable mashed potatoes. A salad gone lame. An easy apple dessert. And more playing. Full of grace. Thank you Father.


1 comment:

  1. The entire meal was wonderful and I liked the salad! I have yet to eat anything you made that was not super delicious...

    I also love Luke and Emily playing so nicely ....

    5 am is a good time to get up for: a morning surgery, an early flight or having a baby. Condolences...I confess somehow my kids wanted to do that , but I said I will not come and get you until 8 o'clock... I did put a running clock and a home made clock that showed 8 am. Somehow I got away with it.
