Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Coakleys

Meet the Coakleys. Paul, Ann, kiddos, and baby on the way. AWESOME people! They are some of the most generous, joyful, sincere and faith-filled people we have ever known. They have blessed many lives across the world and we are all joining in fervent prayer for this family, Paul specifically. I thought it might be a good idea to extend the prayer invitation to you all. We are praying for a miracle. Join in, will you?

The Coakleys have had a tough year but you wouldn't know it with their continual smile, positive attitude, and concern for others. Theirs is quite the story but the main challenge right now is Paul's health. A few days before Christmas Paul started coughing up blood. He had not been feeling well for a while but since their insurance from Paul's new job didn't kick in until January 1st, they were waiting to check up on things.  (they had recently moved to Tennessee from Wisconsin to be near family and restore an old farm family farm house. they've been working on the house for several months and living with family in the meantime) Anywho, Paul went to an Urgent Care and had x-rays done on his lungs. Over the course of the next week or so, they learned that Paul has testicular cancer that has mastecised to his lungs. He has quite a few tumors on his lungs, several of which are large. I think he also has the cancer in his Lymphatic system. 

Paul has been in quite a bit of pain. I watch Facebook quite regularly to see what Ann posts there. A special fund has been set up for the Coakleys to help pay for medical bills and also to help finish the house. They have been living out of suitcases since they moved. If you would be interested in contributing to the cause, here is the link:

If you find this story impacts you and want to hear how things progress, please let me know and I can send updates via email or even here on the blog. 

Here's Paul (on the right hand side) at Doug's birthday party last year. Busy being a human jungle gym for all the kids. :)  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

List-Making Solutions: #1 Mental Health

A blessed Tuesday to ya'll!

As I swept the kitchen floor just now I thought of an idea for my little journal here on the internet. A list-making series of sorts. I think we all find list-making helpful at times. Or maybe all the time, huh? Right now, I've got a number of things of which making a list might prove helpful. I won't bore you with all of them but perhaps sharing a few might be fun/helpful/encouraging?

The first list I thought I'd compile is a list of things to try out when in a funk. Got me? Life is beautiful. Life is good. But I'm the first one to admit that life is downright tiring many times. It's so easy to get down mentally and emotionally in the day-to-day race. And it feels like a race, no? Staying healthy is not a sit-down task. We've got to stay vigilant at all aspects of a healthy life. Physical. Mental. Spiritual. You know.

Right now I'm a postpartum homeschool mama in the midst of winter. I'm fighting for sanity. I refuse to pine away the days waiting for spring and in the meantime not enjoy these beautiful moments with my newborn baby and beautiful family. These days are fleeting and precious. I must open my eyes to the beauty around me.

So here are some ways that I've found helpful in fighting the funk! I hope they may encourage you in those funky days as well. In no particular order . ..

1. Music. Beautiful music. Varied.

I like myself. All varieties there. Go classical! Science shows it does the brain good.
The "toddler" station will make you feel young again. "Lullaby" is also nice. Or find a station to rock out and dance like a mad man (or woman). If you love Jesus, a worship station.

2. Go outside!

Another one that science will prove. The outdoors are good for the body AND soul. I am craving this right now! It's been tough because I have a newborn and the sickies keep coming around. But yesterday I was able to get into our yard to snowshoe for a bit. Aaahh, such therapy. Fresh wind in these sails!

3. Exercise. Walk. Pilates. Stretch. Swim. Deep breathing. 

Nothing like it. You know this, of course but will be surprised every time at its effectiveness.

4. Pray for others. 

Nothing like getting outside yourself to climb out of a funk. Lots and lots of people hurting and in a tough place. Put yourself in their shoes and plead with the Father for them. Compassion=to suffer with.

5. Call someone. 

Ask how they are doing. Listen. Love.

6. Create. 

We need beauty. We are made to create. Some call this "Mother Culture." Make music, paint, draw, take pictures, bake, read classic literature, plant some flowers, go to an art museum.

7. Count your blessings.

Name them one by one. We ALL have things to be thankful for. Gratitude heals.

8. Random Act of Kindness.

Send someone a card. Remember a birthday. Pay someone else's bill. Smile at a stranger. Open a door for someone. Make this world a little more beautiful by some action.

9. Adjust your glasses.

I do this almost literally with my eyes. I imagine myself adjusting my vision. I might look out the window to see the sunshine, the shadows on the snow, the tiny bird footprints, the flight of a bird, a raindrop running down the window, sit and watch my daughter dance around or listen to her pretend play, listen to my boys' detailed explanation of the newest Lego creation. I deliberately take off the grumpy glasses that make the world blurry and put on the clear glasses that are able to see the beauty in the details.

10. Slow down time.

This one is related to #9. Its about the accessories. Glasses readjusted. This one is about adjusting your wristwatch. It's so tempting to race through life. Do this, do that. Check, check, check. For me, the temptation is to believe, "When spring comes, all will be well." Then I shake myself, "No! Then my little one will be that much older." Savor every moment. We cannot live each moment twice. Find what is good in your world right now and live it the best you can and as slowly as you can. Think carefully about the phrase: "Life is a gift."

11. Read through devotionals carefully. 

Do not allow them to fly right over your head. Force yourself to slow down and CONCENTRATE for 5 MINUTES to listen for the voice of God. He wants to be heard. There is something in there just for you! This one is a real battle (at least for me and I suspect for many) because the evil one wants us to believe there is no God and if there is, He is silent. Don't have a source or regime? Search for one.

I finally quieted myself this morning and heard this . . .

When I say, “My foot is slipping,”
your mercy, O LORD, sustains me;
When cares abound within me,
your comfort gladdens my soul. 

12. Challenge yourself intellectually or spiritually.

Keep moving in these areas. Read a classic. Try a new regime for a month. Do some spring cleaning in your head or heart. Lent is coming! Struggling with faith and/or doubt. Don't just lie there. Come up with a plan and see if some CPR can be performed on yourself.

13. Plan your dreams. Then act.

The flip side to #10. What do you love? Dream it and come up with a plan. This is a list waiting to happen for me. Yes, enjoy today but plan that garden for tomorrow. I'm dreaming of potatoes, herbs, carrots. Bring on that compost. I'm ready to get dirty!

14. Organize.

I've been trying to squeeze this into my day. Aaah, the feelings of cobwebs swept away. Order. Brings sanity in all kinds of ways. Throw out what you can. Less clutter.

I suppose a spring-cleaning is in order in all kinds of ways. In the home, in the heart, in the mind, in time.

Well, that's enough for today. BTW-I'm not preaching here. This is a list for me as well!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Well goodness, its been quite a couple of days.

Friday night we all went to the pool and had a blast together. When we got home we found a little friend waiting for us outside the door.

Saturday we all went downtown to gather food from the farmer's market and The Grainery. Oh, how lovely it is to live in a small town. So fun to say hello to our babysitter while picking up some honey and grains.

We finished up our grocery shopping elsewhere and headed home. We spent some time clearing out baby's new room. But didn't take mom too long before crashing on the bed.

Saturday evening some neck pain I had from the previous week came crashing down on me like a horrible storm. Sunday was spent in tremendous pain and Sunday night no sleep was to be had for this mama. Not a moment's respite from the pain. It was awful.

Funny thing though. I stayed in bed most of the day Sunday but even lying down felt awful. Resting didn't seem to help at all. So I got up. Our neighbor had given us a large bag of apples and a bag of potatoes. Doug says "Why don't we make an apple pie? You tell me what to do and I'll make it." So we did. We made an apple pie in the middle of all that pain. I bossed him around and peeled some apples. It was nice to have a cheery spot for the family.

Hubby's apple pie.

Monday Doug made the difficult decision to not go into work. I knew I had to get immediate health care from some professional but really couldn't drive safely not being to move my head at all. Monday afternoon we all made it over to Portage to see our friend, a chiropractor. It felt good going to someone I know. This man has nine children, so I felt confident being in the care of someone who knows a thing or two about caring for a women during pregnancy. My adjustment went well and he sent me away with some icy gel and a calcium/magnesium mix as a muscle relaxer.

I feel much better today!  I had a long, sweet slumber. Thanks be to God!! My range of motion is still limited but is increasing. I am not in agony. Thanks be to God!! I'll be working on my neck and lower back (also severely out of place) with Dr. Kevin for the next several weeks. Looking forward to it!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Trouble sleeping?

I get excited about home education, about food, and about health. That's me. We all have "our thing." Those are three of "my things." So I just HAVE to share with you a personal health discovery that has been so satisfying. I HAVE to share because I'm hoping, hoping that it may help someone. That would make me a happy lady.

So ya'll might know that I often have trouble sleeping. I know a lot of mamas do. In fact, many Americans do. It's something I've struggled with for years. I've gone through bottles of melatonin with some success but I never liked the thought of depending on melatonin every single night. I've seen a naturopath who prescribed certain neurotransmitter supplements that were helpful as well. Those supplements were so expensive though; I knew I couldn't take them long.

Product DetailsOne of the things my naturopath prescribed as well were Vitamin D3 drops. My awesome obstretrician (whom I'm so thankful for, she feels much like a midwife!) also recommended Vitamin D3. At the beginning of this pregnancy I had my Vitamin D levels tested. Lo and behold, I had a Vitamin D3 deficiency.

I read up on it just a little bit. I learned that in this country Vitamin D deficiency is of epidemic proportions. That deficiency affects the sleep patterns of many, many Americans. Not to mention depression and other ailments as well. I found in my reading that one should not take it before bed (that's what I had been doing). It should be taken with a large meal or something fatty to increase the absorption. I had been taking it at bedtime and noticed nothing. Then I started taking it with dinner and viola, sleep! I've been a "normal" sleeper for a couple of months now! So much so that I've been able to get up early in the mornings to exercise. Regular exercise like I haven't done since I had babies! Wonderous!

Two nights ago I couldn't sleep. I was busy and forgotten to take my Vitamin D. Last night I remembered and was back sleeping well again! So very happy for this discovery! I hope very much that this information might help some miserable soul out there.

So if you give it a try. You must take Vitamin D3. You'll be happy to know, it is inexpensive! $8 I think for a bottle that lasts months! I take two drops on my tongue with dinner.

Best wishes and zzzzz!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Random Items

Math in the morning.

Okay, all ready to go! Time to call the troops. One of my guys gets a bit dull with math in the afternoon, so I've been trying my best to fit it in in the morning. Tailored education. One more reason to love it!

**Update: This morning I'm helping Sage with his math. He writes a number illegibly and then tells me, "It's hieroglyphics."

Nighty night tea.

I've mentioned my struggle with sleep issues. It's nothing new. I've dealt with it on and off for years now. It's just been non-stop since this big move we've had this year. It's been a bit better this week! Yeah. Anyhow, I'm trying this cozy little tea blend in the evening to ease me into sleepyland. It's a nice little routine. I picked up some bulk chamomile and lavender at The Grainery. I spoon some into disposable tea bags, seep it in a hot pot of water a while, and pour a cupful with some honey. Then I snuggle into bed with a good book and a cozy cup of tea.  ZZZZ.

Parental Rights Info

I got this in an email this morning:

" president and constitutional law scholar Michael Farris will appear on the Fox News Network’s Huckabee show on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Eastern. (The show is often re-aired at later hours, too, so check your local listings.) Farris and host Mike Huckabee will discuss parental rights and the pending Sixth Circuit Court case, Eric Holder v. Romeike."

Monday, February 4, 2013

This Week's Menu

Does anybody find these little posts helpful or interesting? I always like getting ideas from other people but maybe ya'll don't feel the same way.

Meal #1

We had a few sickos in the house, so I made chicken noodle soup. Best I've ever made! This homemade bone broth thing is changing my life. Love it. I simmered a whole chicken with some veggies, garlic, bay leaves, peppercorns, thyme, and a little apple cider vinegar (the vinegar helps to pull the minerals out of the bones) all day. Near dinnertime I strained the broth and pulled the meat off the chicken bones. Then I put the meat back in the broth with some chopped vegetables and cooked that for a while. Then I added some Amish-made noodles, more thyme, and lots of salt and pepper. I continued to simmer the soup until the noodles were done and at the very end I minced in several cloves of garlic. I let the garlic blend for just a minute. We do lots of garlic around here during cold and flu season. But the healing properties are best when raw or close to it.

Meal #2  Asian Chicken Salad

Meal #3 Six Hour Chili

Meal #4 Falafel with pita bread, lettuce, tomatoes and a sauce. An old recipe that I need to dig up out of my binder.

Meal #5 Spaghetti with regular noodles or spaghetti squash noodles (dad is on dinner this night)

Meal #6 Chicken Burrito Bowl from Iowa Girl's blog

Breakfast Ideas:  (lunch ideas are always waning, tips appreciated)

#1 Orange Pancakes with Berry Sauce: excited about this one!

#2  Pink Grapefruit Breakfast Smoothie: Made this Sunday and liked it. The fam wasn't as impressed.

#3 I made a batch of this super yummy granola yesterday. Nutmeg likes it with the kefir I bought at  Aldi this weekend.

Doug and I love this borsh inspired by Sheila Lukins "All Around the World Cookbook." 

Thursday, January 10, 2013


One of my favorite things about being a wife and mother? Nourishing my family. It fills me up and leaves me happy and content. Such fulfillment I find in that simple task. Nourishing our five bodies and minds. I love food and learning! Yep, that about sums it up.

Today was a good day because I was able to do both. The boys and I hit the lessons hard today. We doubled up on our history because we are a bit behind schedule. We read about Akhenaten, the  pharaoh who believed in one God. We started in on the second half of our math program.  Copywork, reading and dictation, "The Adventurs of Reddy Fox." Check, check, check. Things went well today. I do have some things I need to rethink/rework for the rest of the year, however, but today went well and that feels good.

Anyhow, nourishment. For the tummy and the whole bod. I still haven't checked into the Paleo diet but from the bits and pieces I've picked lately, it does seem to have some wonderful ideas. I'm guessing it is basically a whole foods type of diet that I already like to stick with but with some added information that has probably been around for years but people are picking up on again. I'll have to do some reading soon. In the meantime, I very much like the idea of cooking with the bones left on the meat for long periods of time. Bone broths, soups and stews. All those great nutrients found in the bones (calcium, magnesium, glucosamine, etc). Anyhow, I don't want to bore you. I know I already mentioned some of these thoughts a while back.

I wanted to share this yummy, super simple stew I made today. Doug loved it! (that's my test of whether something is a keeper or not) It is super economical. I love that it is seasonal; I used winter veggies mostly. It was also quick and easy. I had it in the crock-pot by 9:30am and by dinner it was super tender. The longer you cook bone soups/stews, the more nutrients are cooked out from the bones.

I bought two beef soup bones from "The Meat Market" here in town. I browned them a bit in a fry pan and then stuck them in the bottom of my crock-pot.

Then I chopped up some winter veggies and tossed them in too.

First, some root vegetables. Turnips, carrots, parsnips.
Then some tuber vegetables. Sweet potatoes and red potatoes.
Then an onion and 5-6 cloves of garlic.
Then a few bay leaves, all the fresh thyme I had left, and some dry thyme too.
After that, I ground in some salt and pepper.

I added a can of diced tomatoes and 1.5 cups of water.
I cooked it on high for a couple hours and then on low for several more. Actually, I had to keep it on "warm" for a long time because my crock-pot cooks super hot.

At the end, I stirred it up and and generously ground in more pepper and salt.

Yum! Aahh, that wonderful feeling of wholesome nourishment. When my husband tells me five times that dinner was great, I know I'll do it again. But then again, he's a simple-soup-for-dinner kinda guy.

*Yep, and burnt tortillas in the background. Doug likes bread with his soup and with all that mind nourishment going on during the day, I didn't have time to make any. :)  So Doug fried up some tortillas. He's a flexible guy. 

**Idea found here.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Just Checking In . . . 

Outside my window . . . 

It's dark and just beginning to lighten up. Got to bed earlier last night. Yeah me. It's been crazy warm lately! Even up to 60. Us Shepherds are dreaming of snow! Bring on the skiing!

I'm listening to . . . 

Silence. That doesn't happen too often. I'm sure I'll hear the patter of little feet soon.

These are a few of my favorite things . . . 

Smiling with Doug about the antics of Nutmeg. She constantly cracks us up. We were driving around looking at lights last night and one of the boys mentioned the song "Jingle Bells." Nutmeg picked that one right up and started her own song about it. I don't think she's even heard the song. She makes up her own melody and sings "Jingle bells alllll the way hhhooome!!" And then she starts "Tinker bell all the way home. Tinker bells allll the way hhhooome." Too funny.

In the Kitchen . . . 

Yesterday I let the crock pot simmer most of the day making bone broth. I know people around the world have been doing this for thousands of years but somehow it escaped my attention. And now, I guess, this new diet craze, the Paleo diet, has been touting the benefits of homemade broth. And frankly I guess I didn't even notice because I usually ignore "fashionable" diets. They usually have some good things to say but I figure there is no need to run my life around a craze. Anyhow, I was just thinking last week that I should really have used my leftover turkey carcass from Thanksgiving to make some broth. Then I ran across this intriguing soup recipe on Pinterest and from there, some interesting articles on the wisdom of bone broths. It all makes so much sense! So here I go, I'm going to try to fit this in my routine more and more. I do enjoy nourishing our family. Check this excerpt out from this article:

"- The gelatin in bone broth assists digestion by attracting digestive juices and preventing gastrointestinal bugs from attaching themselves to the gut wall.  It has also been shown to help heal prior damage to the gut lining and offering relief for those with IBS, Chrohn’s disease and other digestive disorders.

- Bone broth contains minerals such as calcium, silicon, sulphur, magnesium, phosphorous & trace minerals in an easily assimilable form. These minerals are pulled out of the bones in part due to using a vinegar solution prior to cooking. The vinegar helps to draw the mineral salts out of the bone.

- Chinese studies have shown gelatin to increase red blood cell and hemoglobin count, increase serum calcium level, increase the absorption and utilization of calcium, and prevent and treat myotonia atrophica (muscle wasting).

- The gelatin in bone broths assist in neutralizing whatever poison is causing problems during an intestinal bug or flu.

- Bone broth could be considered a liver tonic (or liver supportive). Broth helps the body to detoxify the body and is a great way to cleanse your system.

- Broth also contains, Chondroitin Sulfate, a jellylike substance, now famous as a supplement for joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. It functions to support and provide adhesiveness. It lines blood vessels and plays a role in lowering atherosclerosis, cholesterol and heart attacks."

The boys and I are reading . . .

We just finished Buster Bear yesterday. I sure do enjoy Thorton Burgess. We also have been picking up "The Burgess Bird Book" more often. We have a vintage copy, which is especially fun to handle. I ran across some blogs that have compiled some resources to accompany the book. So after reading a chapter, we look at pictures of the birds and listen to the bird calls. 

On my heart and in my prayers . . .

I don't know about you but I've had some much on my heart and in my prayers lately. More often has the Lord been bringing loved ones to mind and its been natural to lift you all up in prayer. I'm thankful for that. Prayer, what a gift.  Still praying for sale of our house. It was supposed to close in January but the deal fell through yet again. Deflating that was. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." 

Oh and yes, praying for America. Today at noon the Senate votes on the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  I'm hoping that the Senate will realize that we have fantastic laws to protect persons with disabilities here in America; there is no need to put our country under UN law. Heck no! 

Plans for the rest of the week . . .

I lost my glasses a while back, so I finally have an eye exam this afternoon and will get to order some new glasses. So glad. Thursday we'll talk about the real Saint Nicholas, enjoy some small Saint Nicholas gifts, and also have a few friends over to celebrate later in the morning. The boys get a check up at the doctors this week. This will be our first visit this family med doc. I'm hoping he'll be a good fit for our family.

**update on my eye appointment: I've been wearing contacts or glasses for the last 15 years. And now my vision is almost 20/20. Wow, can you believe it? 

All in a day's play.