Thursday, August 8, 2013

Trouble sleeping?

I get excited about home education, about food, and about health. That's me. We all have "our thing." Those are three of "my things." So I just HAVE to share with you a personal health discovery that has been so satisfying. I HAVE to share because I'm hoping, hoping that it may help someone. That would make me a happy lady.

So ya'll might know that I often have trouble sleeping. I know a lot of mamas do. In fact, many Americans do. It's something I've struggled with for years. I've gone through bottles of melatonin with some success but I never liked the thought of depending on melatonin every single night. I've seen a naturopath who prescribed certain neurotransmitter supplements that were helpful as well. Those supplements were so expensive though; I knew I couldn't take them long.

Product DetailsOne of the things my naturopath prescribed as well were Vitamin D3 drops. My awesome obstretrician (whom I'm so thankful for, she feels much like a midwife!) also recommended Vitamin D3. At the beginning of this pregnancy I had my Vitamin D levels tested. Lo and behold, I had a Vitamin D3 deficiency.

I read up on it just a little bit. I learned that in this country Vitamin D deficiency is of epidemic proportions. That deficiency affects the sleep patterns of many, many Americans. Not to mention depression and other ailments as well. I found in my reading that one should not take it before bed (that's what I had been doing). It should be taken with a large meal or something fatty to increase the absorption. I had been taking it at bedtime and noticed nothing. Then I started taking it with dinner and viola, sleep! I've been a "normal" sleeper for a couple of months now! So much so that I've been able to get up early in the mornings to exercise. Regular exercise like I haven't done since I had babies! Wonderous!

Two nights ago I couldn't sleep. I was busy and forgotten to take my Vitamin D. Last night I remembered and was back sleeping well again! So very happy for this discovery! I hope very much that this information might help some miserable soul out there.

So if you give it a try. You must take Vitamin D3. You'll be happy to know, it is inexpensive! $8 I think for a bottle that lasts months! I take two drops on my tongue with dinner.

Best wishes and zzzzz!



  1. that is great! You are so good at this. so I just looked and I had been tested for vitamin levels by the Eye surgeon. She put me on Pro 3 with Probiotics. I was not having any trouble sleeping, except the night before big events and trips!! Mine are capsules. I will ask her if drops are better...and you..are drops better? :-)

    Hope your cold goes away instantly!

    Mom SH
