Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Well goodness, its been quite a couple of days.

Friday night we all went to the pool and had a blast together. When we got home we found a little friend waiting for us outside the door.

Saturday we all went downtown to gather food from the farmer's market and The Grainery. Oh, how lovely it is to live in a small town. So fun to say hello to our babysitter while picking up some honey and grains.

We finished up our grocery shopping elsewhere and headed home. We spent some time clearing out baby's new room. But didn't take mom too long before crashing on the bed.

Saturday evening some neck pain I had from the previous week came crashing down on me like a horrible storm. Sunday was spent in tremendous pain and Sunday night no sleep was to be had for this mama. Not a moment's respite from the pain. It was awful.

Funny thing though. I stayed in bed most of the day Sunday but even lying down felt awful. Resting didn't seem to help at all. So I got up. Our neighbor had given us a large bag of apples and a bag of potatoes. Doug says "Why don't we make an apple pie? You tell me what to do and I'll make it." So we did. We made an apple pie in the middle of all that pain. I bossed him around and peeled some apples. It was nice to have a cheery spot for the family.

Hubby's apple pie.

Monday Doug made the difficult decision to not go into work. I knew I had to get immediate health care from some professional but really couldn't drive safely not being to move my head at all. Monday afternoon we all made it over to Portage to see our friend, a chiropractor. It felt good going to someone I know. This man has nine children, so I felt confident being in the care of someone who knows a thing or two about caring for a women during pregnancy. My adjustment went well and he sent me away with some icy gel and a calcium/magnesium mix as a muscle relaxer.

I feel much better today!  I had a long, sweet slumber. Thanks be to God!! My range of motion is still limited but is increasing. I am not in agony. Thanks be to God!! I'll be working on my neck and lower back (also severely out of place) with Dr. Kevin for the next several weeks. Looking forward to it!



  1. What a tough few days....So glad Doug has been so helpful and supportive! Making an Apple pie under your directives is awesome.

    I like the lizard! Do you know what it is? Hope he is in a nice container with lots of crickets to eat! The diet may have changed over the years, but that is what we used back in the day for Doug and Julie's lizards !

    1. That is a salamander that we found by the door. We brought him inside for a little bit to look at and then we let him loose back outside.
