Friday, October 11, 2013

A Few Assorted Thoughts

Hello There Friends and Family,

My posts haven't been as frequent just due to busyness and just plain lack of energy. Don't get my wrong, I'm doing great. Absolutely best pregnancy for me so far.  I thought it would be nice to do a brief check-in with ya'll because I do think I have a few friends and family that check this on a frequent basis.

Today I'm fighting the blues. Really not bad at all but just mentally telling myself to chill out. It's all cool, dude. No prob. I just have a plate full of to-dos and would like to-dos and think that I must conquer them all. I had plans for today. Good plans. And they've dropped. I'm not sure why. I'm tempted to think that I've accomplished nothing and am wasting my time. Maybe I am. But I keep reminding myself that not all fruitfulness if from what I intentionally try to accomplish. Sometimes my fruitfulness can come from just being. And most of all, it can come from what God is doing without me.

I'm growing a beautiful baby in there. He's wonderful. I'm providing a place for three really great kids to grow. They are running around in the fresh air and are thriving. They are reading like fiends (my husband's words) and are adding big numbers. They are excited to do grammar and can tell you random cool things about Greek history and insects. I'm being a wife to one, friend to a handful, and sister to another handful.

And look what my garden is still producing in the middle of October. With no help from me!!

So take the pressure off, girl. It's all good. Relax and enjoy life. What really needs to get done will and the rest might happen sometime.

What about you? Do you feel like a failure sometimes and need to just chill out and be thankful? November's coming and I'm stoked! The thankful month. Let it roll!!

Oh by the way, about that baby in there. I had my last visit with the high risk doctor this week. My last visit because things are looking good with mama and now I can move forward with this "normal" pregnancy. Our little guy is doing well too. Not too little actually. 80th percentile. About 3 pounds, 9 ounces.

I was thinking that life might slow down ever so much since I don't have to drive into downtown Madison to see the specialist but I think no, things won't slow down too much. I think that I'll be working with a chiropractor weekly to straighten this back and neck up. That should help this pregnancy to feel better and be super helpful for labor and delivery as well.

Okay, off to "accomplish" something!  :)

1 comment:

  1. All this sounds very good, actually, even a bit of the blues...and I do not recall the first pregnancy, but your sweet husband caused a bit of down time...kind of bored, thinking I should do something on THE LIST. I still make lists and cross out , but more keeps being added ! We all have to give ourselves down time and resting time, especially now for you....why you are busy putting a few pounds on this little guy and feeding him so he will be ready to be born in ...10 weeks? Yikes!
    Now I love the veggies there..tomatoes and.zucchini and broccoli and eggplant!
    Mom Sh
