Tuesday, February 18, 2014

List-Making Solutions: #1 Mental Health

A blessed Tuesday to ya'll!

As I swept the kitchen floor just now I thought of an idea for my little journal here on the internet. A list-making series of sorts. I think we all find list-making helpful at times. Or maybe all the time, huh? Right now, I've got a number of things of which making a list might prove helpful. I won't bore you with all of them but perhaps sharing a few might be fun/helpful/encouraging?

The first list I thought I'd compile is a list of things to try out when in a funk. Got me? Life is beautiful. Life is good. But I'm the first one to admit that life is downright tiring many times. It's so easy to get down mentally and emotionally in the day-to-day race. And it feels like a race, no? Staying healthy is not a sit-down task. We've got to stay vigilant at all aspects of a healthy life. Physical. Mental. Spiritual. You know.

Right now I'm a postpartum homeschool mama in the midst of winter. I'm fighting for sanity. I refuse to pine away the days waiting for spring and in the meantime not enjoy these beautiful moments with my newborn baby and beautiful family. These days are fleeting and precious. I must open my eyes to the beauty around me.

So here are some ways that I've found helpful in fighting the funk! I hope they may encourage you in those funky days as well. In no particular order . ..

1. Music. Beautiful music. Varied.

I like pandora.com myself. All varieties there. Go classical! Science shows it does the brain good.
The "toddler" station will make you feel young again. "Lullaby" is also nice. Or find a station to rock out and dance like a mad man (or woman). If you love Jesus, a worship station.

2. Go outside!

Another one that science will prove. The outdoors are good for the body AND soul. I am craving this right now! It's been tough because I have a newborn and the sickies keep coming around. But yesterday I was able to get into our yard to snowshoe for a bit. Aaahh, such therapy. Fresh wind in these sails!

3. Exercise. Walk. Pilates. Stretch. Swim. Deep breathing. 

Nothing like it. You know this, of course but will be surprised every time at its effectiveness.

4. Pray for others. 

Nothing like getting outside yourself to climb out of a funk. Lots and lots of people hurting and in a tough place. Put yourself in their shoes and plead with the Father for them. Compassion=to suffer with.

5. Call someone. 

Ask how they are doing. Listen. Love.

6. Create. 

We need beauty. We are made to create. Some call this "Mother Culture." Make music, paint, draw, take pictures, bake, read classic literature, plant some flowers, go to an art museum.

7. Count your blessings.

Name them one by one. We ALL have things to be thankful for. Gratitude heals.

8. Random Act of Kindness.

Send someone a card. Remember a birthday. Pay someone else's bill. Smile at a stranger. Open a door for someone. Make this world a little more beautiful by some action.

9. Adjust your glasses.

I do this almost literally with my eyes. I imagine myself adjusting my vision. I might look out the window to see the sunshine, the shadows on the snow, the tiny bird footprints, the flight of a bird, a raindrop running down the window, sit and watch my daughter dance around or listen to her pretend play, listen to my boys' detailed explanation of the newest Lego creation. I deliberately take off the grumpy glasses that make the world blurry and put on the clear glasses that are able to see the beauty in the details.

10. Slow down time.

This one is related to #9. Its about the accessories. Glasses readjusted. This one is about adjusting your wristwatch. It's so tempting to race through life. Do this, do that. Check, check, check. For me, the temptation is to believe, "When spring comes, all will be well." Then I shake myself, "No! Then my little one will be that much older." Savor every moment. We cannot live each moment twice. Find what is good in your world right now and live it the best you can and as slowly as you can. Think carefully about the phrase: "Life is a gift."

11. Read through devotionals carefully. 

Do not allow them to fly right over your head. Force yourself to slow down and CONCENTRATE for 5 MINUTES to listen for the voice of God. He wants to be heard. There is something in there just for you! This one is a real battle (at least for me and I suspect for many) because the evil one wants us to believe there is no God and if there is, He is silent. Don't have a source or regime? Search for one.

I finally quieted myself this morning and heard this . . .

When I say, “My foot is slipping,”
your mercy, O LORD, sustains me;
When cares abound within me,
your comfort gladdens my soul. 

12. Challenge yourself intellectually or spiritually.

Keep moving in these areas. Read a classic. Try a new regime for a month. Do some spring cleaning in your head or heart. Lent is coming! Struggling with faith and/or doubt. Don't just lie there. Come up with a plan and see if some CPR can be performed on yourself.

13. Plan your dreams. Then act.

The flip side to #10. What do you love? Dream it and come up with a plan. This is a list waiting to happen for me. Yes, enjoy today but plan that garden for tomorrow. I'm dreaming of potatoes, herbs, carrots. Bring on that compost. I'm ready to get dirty!

14. Organize.

I've been trying to squeeze this into my day. Aaah, the feelings of cobwebs swept away. Order. Brings sanity in all kinds of ways. Throw out what you can. Less clutter.

I suppose a spring-cleaning is in order in all kinds of ways. In the home, in the heart, in the mind, in time.

Well, that's enough for today. BTW-I'm not preaching here. This is a list for me as well!

1 comment:

  1. That was a wonderful blog...Your words are inspiring and true... and your works are so good and amazing! The pictures show peace and love among your children...I savor those. I am extremely proud, grateful, and thankful that you are such a loving daughter in law that is mine to enjoy. Bless you always. You are a mother to model after. I love you!
