Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Devil's Lake in Early December: Where's the snow?

But it was a beautiful day anyhow. We got our daily dose of Vitamin D and fresh air. Aaah, the outdoors. Pure nourishment.

Ginormous spider found under a rock by Basil.

Later in the evening I came home to find this spider drawn in the boys' nature notebooks. Together with Dad (yeah, honey!!), they had figured out the name of this BIG dude: a fishing spider. And he's completely harmless. Phew!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Ewww! That is a big furry spider..Basil found....Devils lake is gorgeous...and so is everywhere around you. What a clean and delightful place to live! Now I also see Basil in the middle of the railroad tracks, so I want to say "is this a new form of punishment?" Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
