Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Birthday x 2!!!!!

Happy 7th Birthday Basil and Sage! Dad and I love you two to pieces! You two came into the world with a bang! It took Dad and I at least 18 months to find which way was up! But here we all are. We are still spinning wildly but life is never boring! We are so thankful for your health and safety despite your unexpected entrance into the world. God has blessed you two with good health and LOTS of enthusiasm for life. 

Mr. Basil you are the family encourager. We see that as your special gift. Even in the hardest moments (like stuck on the side of the road at 11pm at night with a broken down Uhaul in the middle of Montana), you dig down deep to help the family with encouragement welling up from within.  You are a passionate boy. Your passions sometimes get the better of you but they are also a great source of strength. Dad and I need to help you temper those passions when they threaten to blow like a volcano. :) You are a friendly guy who seems to make friends easily wherever we go. You are a happy-go lucky guy that is fun to be around. Dad has a blast with you on the slopes. And I enjoy listening to you read. You have a quick mind.  

Sage you are our family sage. The name fits you perfectly. You have a keen sense of observation about the world. When you speak your observations in your quiet and sweet way, my ears perk up. I learn wonderful things when you speak those words. You have a certain special something behind that smile of yours. It melts my heart. Dad says that when you looked at him in the hospital for the very first time, he felt like you looked down into his soul. We all know that the world often is too loud and overwhelming. We want to you to know that we are here beside you to walk and pray you through it. The Lord is your shepherd. Sage your other gift is your unique imagination. You often understand and enjoy the world through story; its a joy to watch.    

This morning's bday surprise.

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