Saturday, January 26, 2013

 While Daddy's Away . . . 

us kiddos played. Today Doug is tending to his mom who is post knee surgery. So the kiddos and I ventured to downtown Madison to check out this free kid's show at the Overture Center. We got there and it was FULL. We were so bummed! What else to do to make up for this bummer of a situation? It was cold outside, so we didn't want to walk around too much. But we walked two blocks and came upon TWO museums. We checked them both out and had a BLAST! My kiddos do enjoy museums. Yeah for that!

These ones are for you, Travel Club Friends.

First Stop: Wisconsin Historical Museum

Stop #2

After visiting the museums we thought it might be possible to get a bite to eat and still be in time to catch the next showing. It worked out perfectly! We found a great pizza and salad spot right down the street. We were just in time for the show. The kids LOVED it! 

"This guy was a cool juggler. The best in the world." Basil

**Sweetie, you should have seen the kids. Sage especially was enthralled! You should have seen him laughing. :)  

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOUR MUSEUM ADVENTURE. Sometimes you find great things to see when you do not expect them!!
