"Epiphany (Koine Greek: ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation", "striking appearance") or Theophany[2] (Ancient Greek (ἡ) Θεοφάνεια, Τheophaneia meaning "vision of God"), which traditionally falls on January 6, is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. Western Christians commemorate principally (but not solely) the visitation of the Biblical Magi to the Baby Jesus, and thus Jesus' physical manifestation to the Gentiles. Eastern Christians commemorate the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, seen as his manifestation to the world as the Son of God."
And in many cases "wise men" being children. |
So Sunday we celebrate the manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah for the whole world. Something to celebrate indeed!
Wise men. Study/learn. Open/searching eyes to see the star. Follow the star. Long journey. Find the Messiah. Fall down. Worship. Offer gifts.
What about me? How can I be "wise."
"And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." Mt 2:11
**Side Note:
I bought these ornaments at Hobby Lobby. I just remembered that Saturday, January 5th is Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day. Saturday you can show your support for Hobby Lobby and its owners in their stand for religious liberty in America.
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