Wednesday, February 27, 2013


A fine classical education or Charlotte Mason education will include poetry memorization and recitation. I have let that wonderful tool lie unused this year. No longer. We must pick it up again lest it get rusty. Better late then never, eh? So here's our new selection. Quiz us later to see how it went? This poem will also serve us for copywork practice.

February Twilight
by Sara Teasdale

I stood beside a hill
Smooth with new-laid snow,
A single star looked out 
From the cold evening glow.

There was no other creature
That saw what I could see -
I stood and watched the evening star
As long as it watched me.

1 comment:

  1. I need to do that too, to eradicate the anesthesia lurking in my body....For major surgery, which this one was, only the second in my life time...(1st was 1980) I am one of the ones who takes forever to get anesthesia out of my system...and possibly the intense drugs of the first 3 days causing me to remember nothing except 4 brief visions, so I will do it too!
    (anesthesia affects a person for up to a year....)
