Sunday, June 2, 2013

Flooring Is In!!

Oh, we are so happy!

You remember I went away for Friday and Saturday to a home education conference? I came home Saturday night to a big surprise. The carpets were all installed! They weren't scheduled to be installed for another three weeks and as a result, we have been WAITING FOREVER to get settled. Well, apparently the flooring center called and they had an opening. Doug didn't tell me.  He worked madly Friday and Saturday getting things ready for the installation.  He also went to the store by himself with the three kids and got the vinyl flooring for the rest of the basement. So today he installed the the vinyl flooring. He just needs to nail in the toe boards. And do the laundry room at some point with the leftovers.

Relief! We can start moving in the rest of our things!  Wahoo! The boys are going to finally have some elbow room down there. We'll also get to start setting up the rest of the house. And we have several more weeks to do so.

Glory to God!!

Happy, happy campers. The end of this year-long transition is in sight. Thank you Lord!

No pics yet. The camera fixing has to wait.


  1. What a great surprise and a sweet husband! How was the conference?

  2. Sounds like a fantastic week end...Doug is really into surprises these days.... now on to finding things and bringing them in!
