Friday, June 7, 2013

Randomness in Pictures and Other Little Musings

Ooohh, our busy lives. They just don't leave room for camera-fixing. I do say that I miss being able to document our lives through pictures. Oh well. It's not all in the pictures.

The kids and I went on a lovely hike/walk today. The birds were busy singing and the flowers were busy blooming. It was a gorgeous area. One particular moment I wanted my camera for . . . The boys were in the car and Nutmeg was taking her sweet time finishing the walk. I walk back to the trail to see what she is doing. I found her lying on her tummy looking closely at something on the ground. I sit down on a rock and just watch her. It was so precious to just sit and watch her look at something interesting. That's what pre-school is largely about to me: getting them out in nature as much as possible and encouraging them to take it slow and observe whatever they find interesting. They learn so much that way. They are building tools of observation and attention. Beautiful.

Well, since I have no recent pictures to share, I'm going to look around our files and share some other ones anyhow. Just for fun. It's fun to share life with ya'll.

All our love!!

1 comment:

  1. That is great! What was Nutmeg looking at? So true about pre-schoolers needing to spend time examining all kinds of things. We all need to do that in our lives! The teacher and Mom in me says you can never evaluate and examine enough!!! I think I will always like to do that.

    Love the pictures...I had not seen the one of Nutmeg sleeping on her pink bean bag chair from her London family. Love it! And I would surely like that food tonight...yummy!!!
    Love, Mom
