Friday, August 16, 2013

Next Week's Menu

Well, mama is getting tired and grumpy by dinnertime. I still like good food though. Funny thing this time around is that I don't really have cravings but I have a thing for flavor. I'm much pickier when it comes to flavor. But I'm thinking I may have to let that pickiness go for the next several months. So I'm holding on to my preference for tasty food as long as possible. In the meantime I'll be trying to make things as easy as possible as well. So my menus will reflect that. Perhaps this will be helpful to those of you out there who also don't want to be putting too much effort into the dinner hour. I hope you can find a good idea for your own belly. :)

You may not notice . .  but we usually have a couple vegetarian dinners during the week. We're doing that less often right now. Baby needs protein! Lots of protein is good for a nice healthy pregnancy. So I'm all about the meat these days! :)

Meal #1 Baked Orzo with Eggplant and Mozzarella with some sausages from Costco on the side.

Meal #2 Chipotle Chicken Salad with chips (from

Meal #3 Easy Meatball Sliders with salad

Meal #4 Super Easy Green Chile Enchiladas (I'll add chicken to these)

Meal #5 Buffalo Chicken Cheese Steaks with salad or broccoli

Meal #6 Mac n Cheese (busy day!)

Meal #7 Hubby, you've got this one! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Frankly, you are amazing in how you plan menus! glad to see the hubs as they say, will pick up some slack here. This is the first timer you have not been on bed rest, so you seem to know better what to do than the Docs!
    Do the boys have chores yet? Just wondering. Doug started at 4, and did his best not to do a good job, for a while, but alas, that got him allowance money!
    Rest and let the kids run for you!

