Monday, September 23, 2013

Quick Picture Check-In

This makes me smile every time I see it. Recycling service out in the country. Oh yeah, this
is how we roll. Love it!

Friends. And yes, another country moment. That is my sweet Nutmeg
with a hand FULL of earthworms. (Grandpa, note the deck. Pretty sweet, huh?)

Nutmeg all dressed up for pancake-making.

Made a batch of freezer salsa. Guess this batch is for Doug. It was super spicy!

Quick stop at the zoo before we go to pick up Dad.

*Side note: someone must have been praying for me this weekend or else the very good Lord just decided to shower grace on me this weekend. We did very well. There were a few stressful moments but there always are anyhow. My energy levels were great and didn't get too grumpy/stressed. Yeah! I think part of it was that I got a blood test back that found I had anemia. I started taking an iron supplement on Thursday and now I'm feeling pretty darn good. Thank God!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! The pics and restoring your energy! FYI You have been on my computer prayer list since the conception!! You get anywhere from three or more per day!
