Friday, October 4, 2013

Next Week's Menu

Okay, I know I said I am simplifying but I want yummy food! AND I want to get those healthy autumn veggies in somehow. These aren't too difficult but if I find that I am tired out, I WILL enlist the help of the hubbie.

Meal #1 Stuffed Acorn Squash (from the cookbook "Simply in Season") These are good! They are stuffed with a cooked mixture of toasted bread cubes, sausage, onion, apple, sage, etc.

Meal #2  Portabella Pesto Pizza (from the Brown-Eyed Baker)

Meal #3 Lentil Soup with Sausage, Chard and Garlic (from Smitten Kitchen)

Meal #4 Crockpot Chicken and Barley Soup (from Iowa Girl Cooks)

Meal #5 Spaghetti (dad cooks, mom home late)

Meal #6 Fish Tacos (breaded and fried tilapia with a green salsa, cilantro, avocado, onions, and corn tortilla)

Join me in keeping food about quality family time, keeping those tasty buds happy, and health! Life's too short for boring food! :)

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