Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Just Checking In . . .

The weather outside is . . .
Blue skies, sunny, and cold. In the teens. It's been an unusually cold winter (I'm sure you are aware). I haven't minded too terribly much. I have been getting a bit of cabin fever the last couple of weeks but really not too bad. I wouldn't mind taking the kids out for a tromp through the woods but its been a bit too cold for our wee one. Next year.

I'm listening to . . .
the dishwasher  and Nutmeg chattering. She wants me to play a game with her. Really, that would be the best thing right now but I do want to stop in to say "hi" to ya'll.

In the kitchen . . 
Doug's been in the kitchen a lot more lately because I often have to sit on the couch to feed our growing little guy. So we are tag-teaming it. I'm working on relieving him a bit more while I do more of the cooking. I do think I am more fond of cooking then he.

Also in the kitchen . . . a new set of tall chairs for the island. I have been wanting some bar stools since we bought this house. In fact, I've always wanted a house where people could sit at the counter while I cook. And it has proved to be what I've always imagined and more. The chairs are taller than I had hoped but they are perfect for the kids. So we now have a new creative place/saloon. Ha! Yes, both. I've made a bit of an art center there by placing a basket filled with paper and coloring materials. We've had LOTS of creating there lately! It's a wonderful thing but also a bit hectic as you can imagine. And yes, a saloon! Too funny. The kids will talk in rough cowboy-type talk and ask for various snacks and drinks. Apparently Doug was carrying on with them in this cowboy saloon-type manner. I think it all stemmed from the trip to the salon for Nutmeg and I. That same day we were at the salon we drive past a "saloon" downtown. They noticed the similar spellings and a conversation ensued as to the definition of "saloon." They've seen "Back to the Future III," so that has provided them a certain mental picture. All in all, we've enjoyed these two tall white chairs we purchased on clearance Ikea last weekend.

In the yard/garden . . . .
Snow and not much else. The kids getting out there sledding occasionally but not as often as I'd like them to. They are not liking this cold weather so much. Doug and I are starting to dream about the garden again. I think its about time to start planning. It's going to take some serious work this year. We've gotta figure out how to deal with the remnants of the weed jungle from last year.

On my nightstand . . . 
Well, I don't have a nightstand anymore. That's on Doug's side. The co-sleeper is on my side. Not that a baby sleeps in there (he's snuggled in next to me. yes, try not to be shocked. i'm sleeping and so is he!). But I do keep extra diapers, wipes, and my books in there. Right now I'm reading another series by L.M Montgomery (author of the Anne of Green Gables series). This one is Emily of the New Moon. Nice and light. Fine for now.

We are reading aloud . . 
Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Baby Mace is . . .
charming us all with his newborn smiles and even giggles. Oh my!

Learning, learning all the time . . . 
Math!! It's been bearing some fruit. Math has always been my toughest subject. And the boys seem to have the same humanities bent as their parents. But I have clearly made math our number one priority every day. We do it first thing if possible. In addition we bought a number of math apps (for our new Ipad that Doug totally surprised me with!) that the boys are thoroughly enjoying. As a result, I've been so pleased to see much improvement in both boys (Sage especially!). Goodness, even myself! I'm learning new math strategies that I never learned in school. Aaahh, number 567 reason I love home education.

Plans for the rest of the week. . . 
Not too terribly much. We'll host Travel Club at our house this week and study Greece. I'm planning on making baklava. Yum! We'll also celebrate Valentine's Day a bit. Maybe I"ll get a few pics up for you.

Love you!!


  1. This is super!! Love all that you said....stools for the counter areas are all really high....as I remember... So some time I will show the kids all the math tricks I learned and then taught my students in the 60s and then Doug and Julie as well. Thanks to my wonderful Dad who got his masters in Math and Chemistry and taught me all he knew about both topics.....It is not cheating....Cannot wait to see what the APPs have. Now Ms Nutmeg and Mr Mace here sure show red in there hair!! And what cute smiles. Mace has sure filled out!. Look at those chubby cheeks! He has a bit of mischief in his eyes.....Love you all . Looks like the creativity is flowing there....

  2. Thanks for the Valentine card and picture- so cute!
