Monday, April 28, 2014

Easter Continues

It's a busy couple of weeks around here.  Doesn't our Easter lily look so nice? It smells wonderful too! I love smelling as I walk past. 

I know "tall" Grandma will like this update. Mr. Mace had a check-up today. 18 pounds and 6 ounces. 27 and a 1/4 inch long. 80 something percentile for weight. 95th for length. "Football player" the peds doc said.

1 comment:

  1. You betcha I like those measured him with a yardstick which Gabe located in one second and won the first dollar (Grandma's can do that) and he measured 27+ so I was right on! That is incredibly tall...says Tall Grandma who was an inch taller in my younger days! that is a tall baby and he is competing on the height chart with ALL babies! I wonder how he is gaining so well...but I know that Mommy produces super milk!
