Monday, July 21, 2014

Impromptu Summer Fun

"See the scales on his legs, Mom?"

Emily's frog catching buddy.

Teeny baby frogs.

Gripping tightly to the watermelon. This guy is going to be a big eater!

Saturday afternoon we decided to grill and swim at Devil's Lake but changed our minds because it was packed like I've never seen it before. I convinced the family to try taking the Merrimac ferry to Lodi since they have a free public pool there. Since Mr. Doug was starving, we grilled first at a park across the street. While Doug grilled the kids caught frogs with all the children in the park. Oh, what fun they had! Just LOOK at the size of that frog! After grilling we headed over to the pool. Sadly we got there 7 minutes before closing. We will be back though; the pool was brand new and quite nice. We played in the pool for a few minutes, ran around the park and then headed home.

Are you enjoying your summer?

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