Autumnal perfection. Sage, Nutmeg (in the stroller), Mace (in the Ergo), and I went on a short nature walk on Friday. Basil wasn't feeling well. At one point Sage sighs deeply and says "I love autumn!" Me too kiddo.
my view on my walk this morning |
Speaking of . . . about those kiddos. . .
Sage . . .
Its neat to watch; he is growing into himself, I think. He really is such a handsome fellow. A boy of unique talents and gifts. It will be our special challenge/task over the years to help him hone in on those talents and pursue them constructively. Umm . . .no little task, right? Sage still enjoys his Legos but doesn't spend the hours each day at his Lego table that he did a year ago. I am happy to say that he is spending more time outside running around. Wahoo! He has a special bond with his little sister. They love to play out imaginative roles together. Sage has always struggled with math time but I am seeing some sharpening in that area. Thankful for that. He continues to be a great speller and an even better at memorization. He may be something of a wordsmith in the near future. We shall see.
Basil . . .
Whereas Sage and Nutmeg may be lost in an imaginative world someplace in the house, Basil is usually hanging out with us adults. Looking over our shoulder, listening in on a conversation, or just being "one of us." He definitely sees himself as the "oldest." And he is. We can count on him! We are proud of what a thoughtful, responsible young man he is becoming. Mr. Nature and Animal Tamer he continues to be. He is the master builder of the kid fortresses outside. Several weeks ago he discovered that whenever he lifted the "drawbridge" to the fortress, mice would run out. This past weekend he found that one of them had had babies. He insisted that one of us go out to see. So glad I did! It was amazing to see all those teeny tine babies suckling mama. It was a neat moment to share with Basil.
Nutmeg . . .
Truly our little princess. This girl is such a treasure. She continues to have overflowing personality that is just loads of fun on a daily basis. She brings a smile to my face many times everyday. She and I spend quite a bit of time together because her main perch is seated at the kitchen counter. I work in the kitchen and she works on all kinds of little projects on the other side of the counter. She with the art basket, me with the food. Nutmeg has been such a great sport about her broken leg. I don't recall her complaining once. She has adapted amazingly. She has a cast all the way up to her hip but on the second day with the cast I had already discovered her playing downstairs. She scoots herself all around the house and even up and down stairs.
Mace . . .
Mace is such a good boy. He likes to eat, sleep, and play. He's a happy boy. He does like mama to hold him . . . a lot. He likes to clap his hands, shake his head, and just laugh with the nearest person. He seems much more interested in balls than the other kiddos ever where. He likes to hit a ball and follow it around the house. He's been a pretty good sleeper. The other three would wake up often during the night as long as they were nursing. Mace usually won't wake up more than twice. Usually he'll just wake up once a night or not at all.
Good things from the kitchen . . .
Bedtime reading for mama . . .
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott. I just finished it last night and have nothing lined up for tonight. Ack! What will I do? Must reserve something quickly. This mama must have her fiction before bed! Did I ever tell you where I get my list of good book titles? It's my secret list . . . No really, its not mine but it is a treasure for me. A small book called A Mother's List of Books by Theresa Fagan. Good, classic books that will enrich every age bracket. I choose from the young adult or adult. I've read some absolutely fantastic books from her list of books that I never would have thought to read myself. Highly recommended little book.
This weekend we . . .
Made a quick jaunt over to Durward's Glen to check out their fall festival. Oh my lands!! Absolutely beautiful right now in the bluffs. I gotta take up photography one of these days and try to capture some of this breath-taking autumn beauty. Incredible. God is good.
And that's a wrap . . . time for bed!!!
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