Happy 5th birthday to my feisty, enthusiastic, overflowing-with-personality Nutmeg!! Nutmeg and I hosted a Fairy Tea Party with a handful of girls and moms this afternoon. The boys took off to hang with some other guys while we got girly around here. Lots of pastel, bubbles, fairy wings and wands, flowers, crafts, dainty food, raspberry lemon-aide, tea, and best of all, friendship this afternoon. It was a real treat. I think we'll have to do it again. Nutmeg said "it was the best birthday ever." This evening we had Nutmeg's favorite dinner (which is, conveniently, an easy dinner) followed by cake, presents, and Skyping with grandparents after dinner. Twas a good day!
**Next year: Better pictures! Too busy, I suppose, this year. Plus, I noticed I had the flash turned off which always makes for blurry pics. Oh well.
Hi Grandma!! |
Ack! Grandpa turned into a squirrel. Too many peanuts! |
Talking with Grandpa. |
Phew, we got him back. |
Love Nutmeg's 5th birthday tea party~!! Very nice decorations, crafts and fun! Now the Skype event was so nice...but alas, this Grandma only wore a birthday hat...Grandpa was totally hysterical!!!. Funniest ever with the Squirrel FACE. funniest ever!! That sure got the attention of baby Mace...without tears!