Well, its been a heavy couple of weeks. I've been checking Facebook at least 50 times a day it seems, waiting to see how our friend Paul is doing. Paul passed away Tuesday morning. Devastating. Young, strong guy with a lively shining wife in her last trimester of pregnancy. Two energetic boys and one adorable girl. An old farmhouse that had been brought down to the studs, just waiting to be built back up. Gone. In one month. Life is so fragile. Our plans, nothing.
So we are hurting. Hurting for Ann and the children. I wish I bring Paul back and put their life back together. But I truly believe Paul is in heaven. He's a happy man. It's Ann who has a long road ahead. I know she'll eventually be okay. Ann is a strong woman. Funny thing. I personally know three young widows. Each one was either pregnant when her husband passed away or had a newborn. But its funny, each of those three woman are remarkable women. Always have been. I know Ann will be okay but I still hurt for her. I know she is bearing unimaginable pain and will for every moment of the day for a very long time.
Oh, to have the magic wand that would take away the pain of another. But . . . there is prayer. Someone told me the other day that prayer is the closest you can get to another person. That is comforting. Ann may be miles away. I can't "fix" anything but I can touch her life in prayer. I can keep watch an hour and touch her life in an intimate way. And maybe just maybe the results of so many prayers by so many people (and she does have an army of prayer warriors behind her), can help turn something awful as death and loss into something beautiful. I know Ann has a life of meaningful beauty ahead of her. She is a beautiful person and I know she'll follow the path the Lord has for her. It will be painful but I have no doubt it will be one of redemptive beauty.
Anyhow, such happenings force personal reflection. How am I living my life? Am I living a life of gratitude? Am I seeing everything in life as a gift? The good and the bad? Am I loving my children and husband to my utmost capacity? If I suffer, how do I suffer? Do I bear it joyfully?
I had intended to do another homeschooling post but I suppose that will have to wait until another day. I've written enough already. I'll meet up with ya'll again sometime soon.
But first for a few pics, right? ;) I know that's why you are REALLY here. ;)
The kids and I got outside the other day for a little fun in the snow. Mace loved it! He kept trying to crawl out of the sled but I couldn't let him because his little feet would get too cold. Soon little man, soon!! I have some rockin' little toddler boots coming in the mail! I can't wait. He'll be able to walk/run all around in the snow as much as he likes. Finally, I believe, on the fourth kid I have discovered an excellent boot for toddlers that won't fall off! I'm stoked. I just know they'll work.
Oh, I feel as you do about Paul and Ann...I can sense they were both extremely strong..But to have a life snatched away so young and in his prime... I do remember the others who lost a spouse in your life...I know Paul was your friend and Doug is older, I think, and he is gone, but never forgotten. Everyone who reads this can contribute to the fund for the family, as they will be in need...
ReplyDeleteToddler Mace is really loving the snow...helped by big bothers Sage and Basil.
simply adorable. There is love all around you~~~.