Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Outdoor Adventures

Aaahh, spring is upon us. Warmer temps. Sunshine. Fresh air. What a relief, huh? The kids and I are relishing each day of pleasant weather. We are on a roll of getting a lesson done in the morning and then heading out for some outdoor activity before Mace's nap. During his nap time we eat some lunch and crunch out some more lessons. It's da life, I tell you.

I've been cramming the kids' bikes and the jogging stroller in the mini-van and heading out for adventure with my little flock. It's a big deal for us because biking out here in the country isn't what you'd think. Before we moved here I imagined quiet country roads where my kids could safely bike for miles exploring the land. Or . . .something akin to that anyhow. Not so. Phew. It's dangerous out here. I'd rather send my kids out on their bikes in town. People drive FAST out here. So our kiddos pretty much have to do their biking in the driveway. Pretty lame. Thus, the pleasure of actually getting them out on bike paths to go as far and fast as they wish.

We've gotten in a number of walks in the past several weeks as well. It's nice to just keep the Ergo (for carrying Mace) in the van just in case we have some time to hit the trails when we are out running errands. I think I'll try to get better at keeping the camera with me at all times.

Enjoy the pics.

Mace often carries a ball with him wherever we go. Mr. Sportster

Most of the biking pics are of Nutmeg. The boys zoom on ahead!

400 year old tree

On one of our first adventures, we got lost! Sorta. The kids loved the happy ending. They certainly felt they were in a real life adventure. Such fun to play with my little folk.  Here is Basil's journal entry about it.

Now, I know you want excitement, action, and of corse danger! Well, that all happened to me! Well, my mom, who was a very flexible mom, went to take us on a walk to Durward's Glen. I foolishly complined that it was boring but sould have trusted her. When we got there we started hikeing. Well, the trail was kind of coverd up with leaves but we knew the way because the were orage bands on the trees so we knew we were on the trail. Well, after a while the orane bands stopped! my mom was always so adventerous and said "let's keep going!" 

I was a bit shocked at this and whined to go back but mom said "Don't be weak. come on!" Well, I was pretending to be a pirate at that time and knew pirates were tough and decided to buck up. Then we found the trail but I bet my bottem the trail was used for cars! And I was right, the trail ended at a road! Mom decided that we sould walk all the way on the road back to were we started! I said to myself "She's cravzy!" but then After a while she stopped and said. "You know what. Lets just walk in the woods for a while and see if we can find a trail." So, we walked into the trailless woods and saw a welcomeing strem! But then, "Yikes! Were sinking into mud!" When we got over the mud we had to cross a strem. Now, my mom was carrying by baby brother on her back and asked me to help her over! I did and my little five old sister decided she needed help too. When we got to the end of the strem my mom exclaimed "the end of the whole trail!" 

We where all very happy at this. When we were just about to get into the car a lady in her older years came out and said "hi" and my mom told the whole story. then the lady said "you sould write a book about this." And that is what you have Just finished reading!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Gabe the writer comments too!! Good job. All the bikers did well! and Mom did well! It is amazing how Mace follows whatever is going on! He sure is a good little guy! Next task for him is to pedal the trike you have somewhere!
