Tuesday, March 15, 2016


"Peace begins with a smile --- smile five times a day at someone you don't really want to smile at all -- do it for peace."
--Mother Teresa of Calcutta

 **Well, we are just about recovered from a nasty flu bug. All six of us. I think at least a third of Wisconsin has had it these last two weeks. Whole households out flat.  (including those who have had the flu shot; indescriminate, this bug is.) But we are just about good. A few coughs and sniffles left. Ready for spring!


  1. Sooo sorry for my Wisconsin family!! Sniff sniff. I spoke with Doug when he called me Friday evening and he said he was getting over/has/had a cold. A third of Wisconsin is a lot!! Was this the cold and fever or vomiting kind. Thanks for leaving me out of this...This calls for a dinner out on Good Friday or Saturday...at an very clean place...lol. If you spray with Lysol or hospital germicidal then you will be free for a long time.
    Hugs and kisses from Tall Grandma~

  2. Love Mother Theresa's idea...will start this evening~
