Saturday, June 24, 2017

Our Swimmers

Hey there,

We are back from vacation and working on finding that summer rhythm.  Haven't found it yet but we are moving right along anyhow. I've been busy driving kids to swim practice, fitting in some exercise of my own, pulling weeds with the kids, finding a few moments to clean and organize little things here and there,  doing "summer stuff" like hiking and strawberry picking, and finding time to fit in a little lesson time with Nutmeg. She and I want to keep her reading moving along.

Basil and Nutmeg had their second swim meet today and their first away meet. We got the whole family out of bed at 6am and on the road by 6:40ish. Yay! It's great practice for us! We did well getting out of the house on time too. Yay for us!

1 comment:

  1. The swimmers are looking very well!!!! Go Basil and NutMEG I WILL SEE YOU SOON !!
