Monday, October 16, 2017

Camera Upload #1

Hi guys!

I'm so sorry it's been a while. So here's what often happens. . .  We go some place as a family and Doug is often able to catch some better pictures of on his phone than I am able to on the digital camera.  Then when I grab Doug to upload the pics from his camera to the computer, we run into technical difficulties.  It's a run around every time. Doug probably has some better (and different) pics on his phone but I haven't been able to get them, so here's what I've got off the camera. I'll just throw a bunch of pics up here and write out a bit the pic is all about. We've made some memorable memories this autumn. I'll do a first round now and then upload what I've taken on the camera since I uploaded these. 

Hugs ya'll!!

Mace writing his first word: hi

We had tickets for the five us to see A Midsummer Night's Dream in mid-September. Unfortunately, we were
unable to line up childcare for Mace, so Doug was generous enough to stay home and play with Mace (they went to the beach!), while the three eldest and I saw the play. It was wonderful!!  This was the first Shakespeare play we studied several years ago. It was magical to see it onstage.  And very fitting that it was a warm summer night in the forest too. . . . We will be back for more!!

At the end of September we made a weekend trip down to Chicago for our annual cousin date at a pumpkin patch.  A super trip with a super family!!  So weird to endure crazy hot weather at the pumpkin patch!  The trade-off was that we had no lines for the rides! I didn't get pics on the camera but we also made a visit to the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian (in conjunction with our history studies). A worthwhile stop indeed. Along the way Doug gave us a driving tour of Chicago. We even jumped out of the car to take a quick dip in Lake Michigan. We'll try that again too!

Playing in the dried corn kernel pit. I have to admit that I just had to try a couple jumps myself. 

Sage's history project: cooking Three Sisters Soup for lunch. Great job dude! It was delish!

1 comment:

  1. These are great moments to SAVE!!

    I would like a copy of the 6 kids at the Pumpkin patch ..and use as my Christmas card this year`if I can!!!!! I have done that in times ...always the SIX!
