Monday, October 2, 2017

Momentarily Abandoning the Checklist: Seize the Day!

The kids have learned to appreciate the efficiency of checklists but maybe a bit too much at times. In homeschooling I've always tried to remember that curriculum (or my plan) is a tool, it should never be my master. It's a tough balance. People often comment "Oh, that must be nice. Homeschooling provides so much flexibility."  True but for me, its a tightrope to walk. The balance between a education that is consistent and rigorous but at the same time not losing that wonder and spontaneity that brings a certain freshness and vibrancy to life.

Anyhow, the week's forecast this week of October showed today and tomorrow hovering around 78-79 and then the temps steadily descending. Time to seize the day! Physical exertion, nature study, rock hopping, fresh air, and beauty. Bring it on! 

The kids began the trip by grumbling that they wouldn't ever finish their checklists.  Half-way through they were leaving me in the dust (or the water in this case) and at the end they were telling me how thankful they were that we made the time for this. Yay for embracing adventure!!

Last days of summer. . . loving and savoring them.

Get outside!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THE PICTURES AND THE LITTLE CREATURES THE KIDS HAVE FOUND~! They all love nature! They also exercise on their nature walks~~ Love it all~
