Friday, February 15, 2013


For you are not pleased with sacrifices;

should I offer a burnt offering, you would not accept it.
My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.

Psalm 51: 13,14

O Lord, how I need to work on this one: a contrite and humble heart. Help me, Lord!

Hey, I had to tell ya'll about this book we got in the mail yesterday. Yesterday was book day! O happy day! The kids and I hadn't gotten out of the house in a long time due to colds and such but finally we got to the library. I had a number of reserved books waiting for me. Yeah! I may share those with you later. As we were getting in the car, the mail lady pulled up and handed me our box from Amazon. 

Usually I like to prepare some sort of daily family reflection for Lent but this year I just didn't get to it. So late last week I ordered this book. Yesterday we doubled up and read the first two days readings. Yeah a good buy! Doug and I are both pleased with this book. We'll be reading it every evening right after dinner. BEFORE dinner dishes! That's priority for me, let me tell you. First things first!

Now I know that like six of you actually read this little blog on a regular basis. So this may not pertain to but to one family, still I had to share. Our boys are seven and it is just right for them. I see it being a useful book for them for a number of years yet, maybe until 12 years old? 

Each day a fictional character, a child, tells of his or her life and interaction in the life of Jesus. We learn what life was like in Israel at that time period. Then we hear about the life of Jesus from the perspective of a child. In a second section, Jesus "speaks" to us. He tells us what the experience was like for him and how his story relates to us. He gives suggestions on how to face the challenges of this spiritual life we lead. 

Sometimes when I read books like this to the boys, I see their eyes wander and they might wiggle in their seats. I didn't catch what Sage was doing last night but Basil was sitting forward, drinking in the "words" of Jesus. I saw the wheels turning in his head and perhaps even a flame lighting in his heart. Last night we heard about Jesus in the desert; it was about temptation. Basil said "that was the best one ever." 

I highly recommend this book for families with younger children (maybe 6-12?). I'm looking forward to our quiet time together in the evenings.   

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great book to use.. You sure do a great job finding good things to stir their hearts, souls and develop values and morals!

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