Sunday, April 28, 2013

The First Weekend

*Update: Well, obviously I know NOTHING about growing asparagus because I don't think those pics I posted were of asparagus.  LoL!!  Either ya'll didn't know either or you're just laughing at my naivete. I googled images of asparagus because Doug and I couldn't agree on which ones are the asparagus plants. Neither! So we'll just have to see.  I think they just sprout right out of the ground with no leaves at all. Shows what I know! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You all did a lot of work and it looks like Basil, Sage, and Nutmeg were well behaved and attentive. The rototilling is impressive!
    Smores over a bonfire is just the thing! I am tired just looking at all you did!!! lots of work!
