Monday, April 29, 2013

Excerpts from Today 

. . . a crazy Monday.

  • A quick but delightful trip to Miller's Greenhaus in Amish country for broccoli and spring vegetable seeds. My kids played out back with the Miller kids for a few minutes. So sweet. I wanted to take pictures so badly but didn't want to offend the family.  

  • A quick stop for snacks at the park.

  • A mad online search for a bathroom paint color for downstairs. Doug has to paint it real quick tonight before he leaves for St. Louis (all week!). 

  • History read over lunch. Individual math lessons. (good thing we never took a spring break. "spring break" might come interspersed over the whole of spring)

And now onto probably another chaotic project with the kids to make markers for the garden before we get these seeds into the ground tomorrow. Whip a little order into the kitchen before dinner. And then some super simple dinner-making. But of course, I'm putting pictures on here. Yep, crazy sense of priorities at this moment.  lol!

Happy Monday to ya'll!  We love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I dearly love this area!!! What a unique place to get your seeds and needs. You are an AMAZING mom! The children are enjoying it all. No one is complaining. They go on unique adventures all the time.
    And...about the asparagus...who know what it looks will find out at some time...It may be somewhere there since he took asparagus to the market! I just ate a whole bunch your honor...
