Monday, May 27, 2013

In the Garden (for you, mama-dearest) on this Memorial Day

It's another cold, wet, dreary day around these parts. A bit of a bummer because we had hoped to get out into nature as a family today. But partly its a good thing because Mr. Doug is getting some indoor work done. Yeah! It's noisy but I'm excited for the finished product. He's alternating between two flooring projects today. The front entryway has been concrete for the past two months and mama is very ready for some normalcy there. After much debate, we finally figured out what we will do there. He also ripped up the floor in the main bathroom yesterday, so he's working on getting that flooring in too. So both toilets have been out of commission upstairs for the past two days. Thank God that bathroom is in downstairs! Soon we should have new flooring in the entryway and both upstairs bathrooms.

I took myself on a little visit out the garden in the rain this morning. Aaah, fresh air and dirt. It would have been a little sanctuary had the kids not kept yelling from the deck "Moooommmmm, I NEED you!" I'm so popular. What can I say? ha!
first cutting for dinner the other night

I pulled a *few* weeds, put up another net for the peas, killed some bugs, checked on my poor anemic tomato and basil plants, etc. Yes, weeds. Oh boy, oh boy. They are rampant! If you ever have a choice between raised beds and in ground gardening, I would go raised beds all the way.  I do miss my raised beds but I can't complain, all this space is heavenly. This year I have no illusions that I will be able to win the war of the weeds. Whenever possible I do get out there and at least work on pulling the ones right beside the plants. It's the best I can do for now.

The broccoli is happy! I can't wait! Fresh broccoli=yum!


Potatoes are doing well . . . 

except for these nasty little guys!!  They are trying to eat our potatoes and tomatoes.
. . .The kids and I are one the striped bug hunt!

The warm weather plants (beans, tomatoes, basil) are so sad. So yellow, spindly, and anemic-looking. Hopefully they can make it through this cold spell and thrive whenever the warmer weather comes.

And the cukes? Poor things lost the war right away. We'll have to try again.

Carrots, happy. Nutmeg helped me plant some
more the other day.

The zucchini and pumpkin are pushing their way through the dirt. Oh, the kids will be so thrilled if these pumpkins work out!

Oh and lettuce! How we love thee! Every year we are so thrilled by the bounty.

Cilantro and dill are making appearances from last year. It looks like they've reseeded all over the garden. Fine by us. Basil loves to snack on cilantro.

As I go about my regular duties on this day, our fallen service men and women have been on my mind. I tell you what, those who have put themselves in harm's way for our country have a whole other level of virtue of which I know little. Honestly, I am in awe. I find myself doubtful that I would be half so sacrificial and honorable to put myself in harm's way and even die for this country. Much respect and gratitude for these men and women.

I think of my nephew especially today. He spent a year in Iraq. I know his mother was in constant prayer that year. As a mom, I just don't know how I would do it. I know he has lost a number of close friends during their time overseas. I struggle to understand the level impact that year has had on his life.

It's a lot to digest. What else can one do? Gratitude and respect at the very least I suppose.   

1 comment:

  1. The Wisc garden is on it's way. Garden pests might have to be eradicated with something...those are mean looking bugs . If you hsve a farm store around or at the market , you msy find there is a way to get rid of worms, big bugs etc in a tricky way without using a pesticide.. I used red pepper and tobasco on a lot of things some time back...No creature will eat that stuff. you consider those weed granules a pesticide. I sill have to see what is in it...
