Friday, May 3, 2013

Library Picks of the Week

Author Tololwa Mollel

Fantastic story of a thoughtful, kind, and responsible boy in Tanzania. One of my 7 year old boys especially liked this book.

Author Adele Porter

Funny thing. It's my three year old girl who asks to read this book with her stack of pre-naptime stories. Okay, well she doesn't really want to read it but she wants to look at all the pictures and know the name of each bird. She gets excited when we find one that she sees in our yard.

Best non-fiction bird book we've ever checked out. It's laid-out in such an attractive way. My boys like me to read the interesting facts whenever Nutmeg doesn't turn the pages too fast to actually read them. 

I just googled this author and there are also books in this series on Minnesota, Michigan, Rocky Mountain, and Northeastern birds. 

Check em out!

1 comment:

  1. Great book picks. I bet Sage liked the first one..the bird book is cool, and the fact that Ms Nutmeg actually recognizes birds she has seen in the yard is great. that is funny that she turns the pages too fast to read stuff...I guess you might as well do the pointing to each word as you read it or let the boys point to it..surely Nutmeg will be reading early.

    Factoid: The cardinal is the state bird in Illinois, and all the schools where I went in Arlington Heights got to adapt the cardinal as their school nickname...
