Thursday, May 2, 2013

CRPD is on the move again!

It looks like the Senate will be making another go at adopting the CRPD (UN treaty: Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) This treaty was rejected this past winter but is up for discussion again. This treaty must not pass! The Senate is in recess right now, which means senators are back in their home states meeting with constituents. Right now would be the ideal time to speak with your senators about this treaty.

The name of the treaty is misleading because who doesn't want to extend human rights? The thing is that the United States sets the gold standard for laws pertaining to rights for persons with disabilities. There is no need for us to adopt this treaty. The United States adopting this treaty would mean, in effect, that we would be placing US sovereignty in matters pertaining to this treaty under the jurisdiction of the United Nations.

This treaty also also undermines the function of parents with children with disabilities:

"The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) poses a serious threat to the right of parents with disabled children to make decisions on behalf of those children regarding their education, medical care, and other areas of life. By introducing the "best interest of the child" principle as a government obligation (Article 7.2), the CRPD places bureaucrats in the position to make the ultimate decisions regarding each child."

I think we are just going to have to keep raising our voices over and over again. We/I cannot tire of it. WE ARE THE PARENTS. We love our children. WE are the best decision-makers for the well-being of our children, not the government.

What to do?

Call your senators and tell them to oppose the CRPD. If you need some talking points, look on the parental website.

Jump on "The Parental Rights Amendment" bandwagon. It looks as though we really do need an amendment to protect our rights as parents to actually parent our own children. Duh! Volunteers and lobbyists are working hard to increase the number of senators to support this amendment.

You can sign the petition for the amendment and encourage your senator to support it.

There are also a number of states that are passing similar legislation at the state level. You can see where your state is on the website. I see that Wisconsin has nothing proposed at this time. I've gotta start talking there.

As Ronald Reagan said . . .

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."

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