Friday, July 11, 2014

10 Years

We just got back from celebrating our 10th anniversary. We had a WONDERFUL time thanks to some Stu-pendous friends here who volunteered to watch our three eldest kids. While our kids were loved on here in Dodge, Doug, Mace and I celebrated in the most relaxing manner. We stayed in a little cabin on a dairy farm north of Spring Green. You'll have to pay me big money to let you know the secret of the exact location. :)

We relaxed, did a bit of walking, and ate some great food! We plan on bringing the kids back in the fall.

Funny thing. The owners of the farm are second cousins (or something like that) of the family that we first met when we came here. Big family around these parts. 

They turned the old bank into a restaurant: Freddy Valentines. GREAT fresh, local food. Hospitable owner who showed us around the building.

To my right you can see the old teller's windows, now windows to see into the kitchen. To my left (where you can't see), is room by reservation only: the vault.

My sweet baby cow friend. 

My morning greeters.

Chicken coop

The farm (see our van?)

You can see the windows in the loft poking over the hill.

Breakfast. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this pictures...the favorite is the happy couple after ten years!
