Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Lord, schedule my day."

This was my prayer this morning as I arose. I've been struggling this summer with balance. My goal is to provide the kids with a nice relaxing but recreational summer. One where they can look back and have some great memories. I also want them to go into the next educational year feeling rested and rejuvenated. I wish the same for myself. So far, I feel like time is  just flying away at an incredible pace. Each day passes us so quickly. So I've been grasping at how to make each moment count but also getting the necessary tasks completed. It's quite a balancing act. We all have some sort of balancing act I suppose.

So this morning, I breathed the prayer above and we were off. It was good day. I should give the Lord my schedule EVERY day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great time,,,saw yesterdays too...amazingly fantastic day...
    Where did you go on this boat? All the four children and their mom look fantastic and happy in every picture.
