Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hello and a Smattering of Mace Pics

Howdy Loved Ones!

How are ya? We are doing just fine. Moving right along. Please forgive me if I am a bit sporadic here.  I do so love to share our lives with ya'll. (if any of you started started a blog on your life, I'd be the first to subscribe and follow your journey as well!)  I suppose once in a while we get going in a rhythm and sometimes I hate to break that rhythm by stopping to sit down and blog. It comes and goes in spurts. Does that make any sense?  

As of late we've somehow worked ourselves into a good learning rhythm. For a while there I was flustered by Mace's transition from two naps to one nap. I couldn't imagine how I would possibly get it all done with him up and running around here more. Somehow, by the grace of God, we've been doing it. I've had a basic agenda for our learning but have kinda gone with the flow on a day by day basis depending on Mace's sleep schedule and what is on the docket for lessons.  It's been good. We are learning and I can feel that sometime soon I will start thinking about next year. I've already been doing a smattering of reading on history and beginning to think through a plan in that regards. It will take quite a bit of reading, research and thought to formulate a plan for that area of our education. 

It looks like we are going to go to a home school conference as a family this year. We've never done that before. We have one around here that I've never been to before that has activities for the whole family. So I'm guessing that I will go to most of the workshops by myself while Doug plays with the kids. There are events and gatherings, such a family dance. Should be a good time.

Anyhow, here are a random group of pictures of Mace. Mr. Active and Mr. Into Everything! I've noticed that with each succeeding child we've taken less and less pictures. I've been trying to be just a wee more intentional about taking more photos of Mace as he grows and changes. It seems though that the quality of the photos isn't always the best though because well, he MOVES so much and also because life just moves at such a quick pace around here. I do try to slow down and capture moments here and there. Enjoy grandmas and Grandpa. 

Christmas gifts from Grandma. We just took all the figures out of the box. He's not quite at the appropriate developmental stage for these yet but it is still fun to make the animal noises for him. We are trying to teach him what a rooster says. Too cute!

We have to watch this guy like a hawk outside. He heads straight for the road! Eeeks.

Big brother giving Mace a nice ride this afternoon. 

Wearing Mama's hat. 

1 comment:

  1. Tall Grandma is pleased! But mommy told me what would be good for Mace, and he sure likes them. Say one of those See and say toys would give him all the sounds. I was unable to save that toy as Mace's father changed it some how so that each animal said the wrong thing!! Unbelievable little devil. Yes, be sure to watch Mace closely . the deck worries this grandma as his father decided he could fly off our deck and other places. Six trips to the ER in 4 weeks was embarrassing. no superman vids for Max until he is over 2! Soooo precious.Play pens....are they still around????
