Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hello on this Holy Thursday

The grandparents of our little flock live too far away, so I try my best to get pictures up here as often as possible. So here they are a few pictures from the last couple days. I had a picture dry spell for a while there due mostly to sicknesses around here and also because we were busy with lessons. The illnesses have abated for the most part. Funny thing, I've had an ear infection. I can feel I just have a touch left. I also had a cough that just wouldn't stop, especially during the night. Ugh. Everyone else is just about back to normal. Yay! Just in time for Easter. We have lightened up on the lesson this load this week. We are getting some math in every day but everything else has been slackened. I'm trying to get a bit of spring cleaning done and hopefully today I can get my Easter menu and grocery list completed. Many other little things as well. Joy in the details.

Without further ado, here are those pictures Grandparents! I ya'll have a meaningful Triuudum and a joy-filled Easter!!

Singing to himself as he looks at the book. So cute to watch him grab a book and climb up onto the couch. 

The "Fortress" made from the water heater box.

"floating shelves"

Can I just tell you what "slackening up in the lessons" looks like in a home school? Oh, I just love this life style!!  The boys spend their time searching for cool rocks outside. Basil brings one to me just now and asks me what it is. I tell him I have no idea (but we do have a close homeschooling friend here who is a geologist! Gonna have her over to teach us some things one of these days!) I tell him he just look it up. I find the University of Wisconsin Geology page that has pictures of rocks and hand him the iPad. He takes the iPad down to his "rock lab" in his bedroom to check things out. Rockin'!

1 comment:

  1. Love these pics! Mace sure does like books! That is a good thing. they all look pretty good to me...I will see them soon!!
