Twice a month we meet with some our homeschooling friends for a little cooperative learning. We mostly concentrate on faith learning but we also throw in some nature study when the opportunity presents itself. We started out with eight families at the start of the year but its dwindled down to a steady four these last couple months. It has been a good chance to get out of the house, develop some friendships, and engage in some Christ-centered conversation.
Up until today I haven't had free hands to be able to take pictures of our mornings together. This morning though, I threw in the camera in the slight chance I might be able to capture our youngsters for a spell. It worked out well. We had a warm, sunny morning with some low-key but engaging learning time. Oh, how wonderful for us moms to feel the sun on our faces!
The "S" family crafted some really neat peg dolls this week and shared what they learned with us. They created little wooden dolls of some of the key figures in Holy Week: Jesus, Judas, Pontias Pilate, Mary, etc. They built a little replica of Jerusalem using wooden blocks and then walked us through parts of Holy Week using the peg dolls. I personally loved it! I could have played around and talked about it for a couple hours! I think it was special for the kids as well to engage in the last week of Jesus's life in this intimate way.
We also did a simple craft together and then went on a nature walk. Rebecca, who directs the camp that we meet at, led us on the walk. She is able to draw on her knowledge in that area and experience working with groups to teach us some new things or to help draw our attention to details in nature. Aaahh, it feels good to get outside!
Anyhow, some pics from our morning. Enjoy!
Off to discover signs of spring and new life with our five senses.
Stopping to listen.
Lily found a bud. Another sign.
Using the sense of taste!! Spring tastes good!!
Listening in the marsh.
Exuberant kiddos ready for the next stop!
Twas a good morning!
Looks like a nice group of home school friends! It is indeed a day to celebrate! Insidfe play and an outside adventure.