Monday, March 23, 2015

Just Checking In . . . .

The weather outside . . . 
Spring WAS springing. The snow was gone. Our thoughts were turning to the garden and outdoor projects. This morning winter is back! Huh? Okay. I suppose it can't last forever.

I'm listening to . . .
the boys taking notes from their brains. We just finished watching Mr. Andrew Pudewa, who taught us about "taking notes from your brain." Lesson 14. We are almost done with the lessons for the Student Writing Intensive A. It's been a satisfactory year. I'll have think of how to spend the next couple months practicing what we've learned.  Upstairs my sick little Nutmeg gets to watch some "Angelina Ballerina." We don't watch many movies around here, so it is a special treat when they are sick. 

The kiddlings. . . 

Mace: I often find myself amazed that although Mace is often the center of attention around here with comments on every side about "how it is so cute when he does this or that," I haven't detected any jealousy. We all seem to be in agreement in our enjoyment of the little guy. 

It has been delightful to watch this little guy's personality develop. He is quite the ham. I am not sure if it is typical for 15 month old toddlers to have a sense of humor but I find it intriguing anyhow. He is very shy around strangers. He'll run and hide behind my legs but then he'll peek out from behind them, playing a game of peek-a-boo with random people. He's also become quite affectionate. Running up and hugging one of us around the legs. Precious.  

We've all been pleased that Mace is good little helper when it comes to putting toys away. We'll see if we can get that to last! This morning he was helping Basil pick up all the Lincoln logs. 

Nutmeg: Poor little girl. She had a long, hard night last night. The tiredness was starting to make her hysterical. But "Anglina Ballerina" seems to help quite a bit this morning. 

Sage is just getting back into life again. He was out of commission this weekend. He had the same thing Basil had two weekends ago. Threw up a couple of times and then very weak for two days. He's back to normal today. The thing he was missing the most? Riding his bike. He kept asking when he would be able to ride his bike. And now the ground is covered in snow! Soon sweetie. 

Basil has become a bibliophile. Last week he was scouring my three books on books. He was reading through the lists of classics recommended for his age group. He just finished his fourth book (or fifth?) in the Chronicles of Narnia, The Silver Chair. A couple of days ago he picked up The Wind in the Willows and is trying to decide if he's ready for it yet. Basil has also been working on his independence in the kitchen. He's been making scrambled eggs and toast for himself and often for his siblings as well. Recently he's reconnected with the boy across the street and has been excited to have another buddy to explore the outdoors alongside. 

Around the house . . .
Mr. Doug has been a little stressed over a leakage issue on one side the house. He had a contractor come in and fix a vent that was causing some problems on the second floor. But even more troublesome was some leakage we've had in the past in the basement. It's been weighing heavy on his mind to get it completely taken care of before the spring rains commence. This weekend he was asking the advice of every person he could think of as to what direction he should go with this issue. I was just remembering the seemingly long months of digging on that side of the house (I realize it was't that long but it sure felt that way). Bleh. It sounds like he's feeling better about it all. He and Basil dug a huge trench this weekend. It sounds like they have a reasonable plan to completely solve the issue (Oh, I hope!). I'm thankful for a man who works to take good care of our home. 

Last weekend Doug completed the floating shelves in our main bathroom. It's looking great in there. A few more details and we'll be set. Oh, I get all girly and excited with this home decorating thing! It's a slow process to beautify the house but every little detail is so enjoyable for me. 

In the kitchen . . .
While I got out of the house for some alone time yesterday, Doug made Swedish Meatballs for dinner. A copy cat recipe of the Ikea meatballs. Yum! We've used several recipes from this blog. She does some good work! Check it out: Swedish Meatballs.

Last week the kids and I made some soft pretzels to share with our home school friends when we got together. I guess pretzels are ancient traditional Lenten food. The story goes that in the 600's monk came up with the pretzel to talk with his people about prayer. If you look at a pretzel you can see how the arms are folded over the shoulders, as was often a posture of prayer. During Lent people often fasted from meat, dairy products, and thus you have pretzels, a simple food that may be made simply with flour, water, yeast, and salt. 

In my prayers . . .
Lots of big things lately. Praying for our friend Ann who lost her husband two months ago. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and birth. Praying for strength as she walks this painful journey of loss. Praying for a friend from Alaska. This friend was out of state visiting her son on the east coast when she suddenly collapsed. Don't quote me on the details here but I want to say her aorta tore. She had open heart surgery and was in the hospital for quite some time. She's had some trouble with her legs and an infection. Praying for recovery, peace, and financial provision. I know she and her husband are anxious to get home. Also praying for a special friend of Doug's from when he worked at a Christian camp in Minnesota. This is a young mom has six children. The youngest, twins girls, are three years old, I think. She was diagnosed about a month ago. Her life expectancy is supposed to be 2-3 years. Oh boy. How does one come to grips with that? Reading their story has been an inspiration, however, much like our friends Ann and Paul.  Which leads to  . . .

Pondering . . .
suffering and the Christian life. This is a big one. Very big. It takes me back to the cross and the meaning of it all. I suppose this is good timing with it being Lent and all. It has been good for me to go back to the basics. Is the Christian life about being happy? No. Successful? No. We must be crazy, right? Anyhow, I am doing a little reading, some watching of loved ones suffering, a good deal of praying, and pondering here and there in the quieter moments. I'm thankful for this season. I should be thinking of these things. I just hope I will be a woman strong, faith-filled, joyful, and patience in my own season of suffering. I pray I can bear my little burdens nobly. Working on it. 

On my nightstand. . . 
The Silver Chalice by Thomas B Costain. Wow. Action packed from start to finish. Historical fiction set during the years of the early church. Historical figures of Luke the Physican, Simon Magnus, Paul, Peter, Joseph of Arithamea. I do so love historical fiction. Warning: reading this in the evening may keep you past your bedtime. It's probably a good thing I'm almost finished. ;) 

Last week . . . 
The kids and I  were able to spend some time with friends who have 35 maple trees they tap. We checked out the set-up they have for boiling down the sap into syrup. We even tasted a bit. Yum! We also got to walk out the trees to collect 15 gallons of sap together. Such fun! The kids were drinking the sap right out of the tree. I guess sap from a maple tree has more calcium than milk. Nutritious AND delicious!  

This week. . .
Hopefully the snow will be gone by this weekend so that Doug will be able to finish his project outside. Nutmeg and I have appointments to get our hair cut tomorrow. Hopefully she'll heal quickly so we can enjoy that girl time together tomorrow. 

Alrighty, time to make some lunch for the gang.  

1 comment:

  1. All this sounds good except for the stomach flu with such a long space in between!
    Hope you are all done soon! Three down and three left? The reading is impressive! Also that the others are so good to Mace. He is sounding like his Dad was! A total ham. But the picking up things is very very mature! I cannot wait to see ALL of them!!
    The bathroom looks great! And hubby sure is doing a good job keeping track of all the repairs and fixing up things. Love all of you to the moon and back!
