Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Belated Check-In

Ah, for real?  It's really been almost since a month since I've said "hello" in this place? If you've been checking in often, I'm sorry. No big life events keeping me from checking in, just doing life. Same old thing but keeping busy at it. Gracias sakes, we're not even as busy as most.

So what have we been up to? Mostly just learning, praying, eating, sleeping, cleaning, excercising, working. Then repeat and do it all again. But we've done a few other things too.  I'll upload the pictures I have on the camera and go from there. Sound good?

Two Sundays ago we spend part of a day in Madison. Doug and I wanted to see a visiting art exhibit at the Chazen, so we hit that up right after Mass. The kids had some saved up money that they wanted to spend at Toys R Us. Then we had dinner at Panera using a gift card we had saved. Great day on the town!

It's so great for the kids to be able to place names, places, and dates from their studies when we visit places like this.
So rewarding! Like "Diocletian to Theodosis" in this picture. The boy,s at least, are very aware about these two historical

I LOVE this one! My little guy fits right in with this farmer man. 

Having a blast at Toys R Us.

We invited some friends over a couple weeks ago to celebrate Saint Valentine. 

Please excuse Basil's freaky expression. This has got to be some passing pre-adolescent phase, right?

Last weekend we headed down to the Physics Fair at the University of Wisconsin. That was a worthwhile trip! We will be doing that again. It was invigorating to rub shoulders with such smart
people who obviously are passionate about learning and exploring the world! Check out this massive science experiment conducted by scientists at the UW. One of the scientists who travels to Antartica to check on things is the one who told us about it.  I told Doug that probably the most
challenging "experiment" is connecting the community with these scienctists. We have to work our brains intensely to try to grasp what they are talking about and they have to focus with equal intesnity to try to explain these concepts on our level. It's an experiement worthwhile for both sides. 

High school rocket club helping to make rockets with the kids. 

launching of the rockets. 

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! What a great time learning you are having! Great trips to see more in Madison and then having friends over for valentine art.
    Love the pictures! I will enjoy hearing from the kids and the parents when I see you all soon next month.
