And because wondering minds want to know . . .
12 weeks.
This is about noon. In the evenings for some reason, I really pop. Then I go to bed and look almost normal again in the morning. Kinda funny, I don't recall this from before.
Anywho, we are still doing well overall. If you are one to pray, you could throw up a few for us. I think we are feeling a little burnt out. Sunday was the first day we actually took some time out to play as a family together. Aaah, so nice. We aren't in dire straights or anything but definitely feeling the burn. I, for one, feel overwhelmed daily. Yes, we have gotten so much done! And it is good to see the progress. When I open the garage door though and see all that is waiting to be moved, I get downright moody. There is still so much to do. That's when I need to count my blessings and not feel sorry for myself.
We have a bathroom floor yet to finish, some painting, and some other trim work yet to do but there's a kicker. Pray for my hubby. We had a not-so-fun discovery this evening. Remember the picture of him down in the hole? Mr. Doug was fixing a leaky basement wall/floor. He did several things to it to make it watertight. I thought for sure nothing would ever get in there. Well . . . tonight we are getting a lot of rain. And . . . it is wet. Poor guy! All that work. All that time. So its back to the drawing board. Bleh.
We'll be fine and a year from now it will be nothing but right now we are pooped, somewhat overwhelmed, and discouraged. Bleh. But time to count those blessings. We are super healthy, have awesome friends and family. have a beautiful home and yard, etc, etc. And look at those beautiful pics. What can beat romping around in the great outdoors?! And GOD IS GOOD!! All the time.
Love ya'll!! Have a great rest of the week!
Great pics!!! Luke seems to be growing and catching up in height in the pictures here. They look great, and so does Mommie's baby bump!!!