Monday, September 29, 2014

The "Exciting" Life

Oh yeah, we are living dangerously around here. Seriously. Beware if you come to visit, you may be next.  Wahaaa!

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. Mr. Mace weareth a brace on his little leg. Last night our little guy just pulled himself up by the cabinets in the living room, fell down, and started crying. He didn't bear weight on his right leg for the rest of the evening or this morning. I called the orthopedic doctor and they were able to get him in before Nutmeg. The doctor examined him and thought he would be fine. I told him I hoped he was right but I had my doubts. Yep, sure enough, he has a tiny buckle fracture. Just a tiny indent in the bottom of his tibia. 

They gave us this boot for him. Convenient, I thought. But you know, it just isn't going to work. I think it is just too big for his body. His knees and hips get all twisted around when he crawls around. I think he could get hurt even worse by wearing the brace. So my plan is to call tomorrow to see what they say. I'm guessing the choices are to have nothing or a cast. The doctor said it would heal just fine without anything. The brace is just a protective measure. So we'll see. 

Nutmeg will wear the long PINK cast for two weeks! In two weeks both kiddos will be checked out. Nutmeg will most likely wear a short walking cast. Looking forward to it!

Oh boy, let the good times roll, huh? Phew. 


  1. Unbelievable events...I have seen it with my own eyes now ! This is really a challenge, and I send love, hugs and prayers for everyone's sanity. They are all troupers.Bless you parents for your acceptance and good attitude. I agree a cast would be better for a short time for Mace. Hope they agree or are able to convince you that the boot , though too large for him will do the trick and not make things worse....Love to all. Off to get a card for a baby now!!! Nutmeg should have hers by today,

  2. Second time for this one not publishing....what an unusual situation in your house. Prayers for the parents to keep calm and relaxed...and for the doctor's thoughtful answer about Mace's boot being a hindrance and casting hi for a short while.. Maybe gating and padding things in the house would help for now....Mace sure wants to walk and be like the others but he may have a to wait a bit!

  3. Please post the picture of Basil in his cast the morning after with his brother Sage. this almost completes the circle!
