reaching from one end to the other;
mightily and sweetly ordering all things:
In Latin:
O Sapientia, quae ex ore Altissimi prodiisti,
attingens a fine usque ad finem,
fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia:
veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiae.
Relevant Verse of O Come, O Come Emmanuel:
O come, O Wisdom from on high,
who orders all things mightily,
to us the path of knowledge show,
and teach us in her ways to go.
References in Scripture:
Isaiah 11:2-3, 28:29
Proverbs 1:20; 8;9
I Corinthians 1:30
Few Thoughts:
Wisdom, like love, is a divine attribute. God is Love. He is also Wisdom. We try to love and we seek wisdom but we do or have neither perfectly, right? Right-O! And why not seek and follow the one who is perfect wisdom? I mean, who better to know wisdom than the one who created everything. The first day the kids and I talked about this antiphon we looked out the window and saw a Blue Jay fly by. Perfect example! He is the Creator; the one who created every genius detail in that Blue Jay. Last year we learned about birds. We learned about all the amazing things that make a bird a bird. Incredible details. That is wisdom. Knowing just the thing to do. And talk about wisdom "ordering all things mightily and sweetly." What order! The order of nature astounds me. So yes, I pray that the one who is Wisdom may teach me the way of prudence (I like translation better. the song says "teach us the path of knowledge" but prudence, even better! that combines knowing and doing well).
And about that third line in the antiphon "ordering all things mightily and sweetly." OOhhh, that's good. Ordering mightily and sweetly. You don't see those two adverbs together often. But what a combination. Wisdom orders things mightily and sweetly. I'll take it!
Follow? Eh, maybe not but its fun to try to sharing anyhow.
And some bonus pics of the kiddos today. I had some packages to mail at the post office today. I told the kids if they did an amazing job in the post office, there would be a treat later. Yep, bribery. I use it at times. A very helpful tool in the parenting bag. Said trip to the PO was a complete success. Two very helpful boys. Not a peep out of the four kids. In and out. Oh yeah. Hot chocolate and biscotti treats all around.
Impressive! Teaching me a bit of Now I liked this entire blog, but will need to look back and study it more. thank heavens I save all of them on my computer!